Kamis, 06 Juni 2019

The Car Industry Is Under Siege and in Survival Mode - The New York Times

FRANKFURT — It’s a scary time to be in the car business.

The internal combustion engine is under attack from electric challengers. Car ownership is becoming optional in the age of Uber. Regulators around the world are fining companies that don’t do enough to cut CO2 emissions, even as buyers demand gas-guzzling S.U.V.s. Global auto sales are slipping for the first time in a decade, disrupted by President Trump’s escalating trade war.

With so much bearing down on them simultaneously, it’s little wonder that companies like Fiat Chrysler and Renault were considering joining forces to survive. Fiat Chrysler’s decision Wednesday night to withdraw its offer to merge with Renault, citing government demands in France, was another reminder that change is complicated for traditional carmakers.

The aborted proposal to create the world’s third-largest automaker was a response to the disruption threatening an industry that accounts for many of the world’s factory jobs and is crucial to the economic fortunes of the United States, Japan and Europe.

New technology has unraveled industries like entertainment, media, telecommunications and retailing, weakening the job security of millions of workers and helping to fuel populism. Carmakers, clearly, are next.

“It’s going to be the biggest change we’ve seen in the last 100 years and it’s going to be really expensive even for the biggest companies,” said Erik Gordon, a professor at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

The major auto companies will spend well over $400 billion during the next five years developing electric cars equipped with technology that automates much of the task of driving, according to AlixPartners, a consulting firm. They must retool factories, retrain workers, reorganize their supplier networks and rethink the whole idea of car ownership.

A Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg, Germany. Carmakers globally are among the last employers that operate vast, bustling plants.CreditSean Gallup/Getty Images

For the auto manufacturers, this upfront investment is a matter of survival. If they don’t adapt, they could become obsolete. Yet no one is even sure whether customers are really willing to pay for the technology and whether it will ever earn a profit.

Investors have already signaled who they think will come out ahead of this transformation. The electric carmaker Tesla, despite all its problems, is still worth more on the stock market than either Fiat Chrysler or Renault. Uber is worth much more than the two combined, even after reporting a $1 billion quarterly loss.

[Read more about how the Fiat Chrysler talks with Renault fell apart.]

The stakes for society from this industrial realignment are high. Car companies like Volkswagen, General Motors or Toyota are among the last employers that operate vast factories where thousands of workers pour in and out of the gates at shift changes.

Worldwide, eight million people work directly for auto manufacturers, and many times more work for companies that supply brakes, tires, sensors and other components.

Those jobs are threatened. Last year global car sales declined for the first time since 2009. Though small, the decrease may signal the onset of a global recession because the auto industry is such an important economic catalyst, analysts at Fitch Ratings said in a recent report.

The immediate cause of the dip in sales was President Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods last year, which hurt the Chinese economy and brought sales growth there, the world’s largest car market, to a standstill. American carmakers suffered too. Ford’s sales in China plunged 36 percent in the first three months of 2019, to 136,000 vehicles, because of the tariffs, the company said. But there are also ominous long-term trends at work.

European carmakers are well behind on achieving emissions goals, in part because European consumers have developed a taste for thirsty S.U.V.s.CreditCarlos Osorio/Associated Press

China increasingly rules the global auto market and determines its course. In recent years, China’s voracious appetite for vehicles has accounted for almost all of the growth in global sales. Chinese consumers bought 24 million cars last year, far more than any other nation. Americans were a distant second with 17 million cars. General Motors sells far more cars in Asia — 947,000 in the first three months of this year — than it does in the United States.

Auto sales in America and Europe are stagnant and the growth in potential drivers is not encouraging. The number of young Americans acquiring driver’s licenses has been falling since the 1980s, according to research by Michael Sivak, a former professor at the University of Michigan.

Increasingly car ownership is a luxury rather than a necessity. In urban areas, where more and more of the population lives, people can avoid parking costs and the expense of insurance by relying on ride services like Uber or Lyft or hourly rentals with services like Zipcar.

The wavering relationship between consumers and cars has been hastened by the emergence of climate change as a potent political issue, as well as worsening air quality in major cities. Transportation accounts for about one-fifth of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide, according to the World Bank. Policymakers, responding to public opinion, have been forcing auto companies to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Carmakers’ ability to push back has been weakened since emissions cheating scandals were uncovered at Volkswagen and other carmakers including Fiat Chrysler.

In the European Union, carmakers must achieve average fuel economy equivalent to about 57 miles per gallon by 2021 or pay substantial fines. But European carmakers are behind on achieving the goals, in part because European consumers, like people in the United States and Asia, have developed a taste for thirsty S.U.V.s. As a result, the car companies face penalties of 34 billion euros, or about $37 billion, the research firm JATO Dynamics estimates.

The potential fines were one of the reasons that Fiat Chrysler sought a merger with Renault, which already has a longtime (if lately troubled) alliance with the Japanese carmaker Nissan. The French company offers battery-powered cars like the subcompact Zoe that would have made it easier for Fiat to hit the emissions targets.

Renault’s battery-powered cars, like the subcompact Zoe, helped make the French automaker an attractive merger partner with Fiat.CreditSamuel Zeller for The New York Times

The Trump administration has been rolling back air quality regulations, but even in the United States carmakers are under pressure. California and nine other states are requiring manufacturers to meet quotas for zero-emission car sales.

Regulators and a growing segment of environmentally conscious car buyers are pushing the internal combustion engine toward obsolescence. China, Britain and France lead a list of countries aiming to phase out cars that burn gasoline or diesel by 2040. Norway is trying to convert entirely to electric vehicles by 2025.

Auto executives in Detroit, Stuttgart, Yokohama and other carmaking capitals foresaw these seismic shifts years ago and have been preparing.

BMW has been selling an electric car, the i3, since 2013. Nissan introduced the battery-powered Leaf in 2010. Traditional carmakers like G.M., Daimler, BMW and Volkswagen responded to the decline in car ownership with their own ride-sharing services, albeit with mixed success.

But despite their size, automakers like Fiat Chrysler, Ford or Volkswagen are at a disadvantage to newcomers like Uber or Dyson, the vacuum cleaner maker that is developing an electric car. The old-line carmakers still get almost all of their revenue from cars with internal combustion engines, and must maintain factory networks that quickly become a financial drain when not running at capacity.

China is emerging as a new competitor — and it is battling saturation even in its domestic market. China is absorbing only half the cars that Chinese plants churn out each year. Big producers like Guangzhou Auto had been preparing to enter the United States until President Trump imposed 25 percent tariffs on Chinese cars.

China is another looming precipice. Its domestic market is absorbing only half the cars that Chinese assembly plants churn out each year.CreditLam Yik Fei for The New York Times

So far Chinese automakers have made some inroads to European markets. Zhejiang Geely Holding Group has a foothold after buying the Swedish carmaker Volvo from Ford in 2010. Geely also owns the British sports car maker Lotus and the company that makes London taxi cabs, while its chairman, Li Shufu, owns about 10 percent of Daimler, the maker of Mercedes-Benz cars.

The shifting balance of power in the auto industry is already squeezing the lives of thousands of workers. General Motors, girding for a possible downturn, shut down its plant in Lordstown, Ohio, in March, one of four factories in the United States that it plans to mothball by the end of this year, eliminating more than 10,000 factory and white-collar jobs. Volkswagen said Wednesday it would create 2,000 new jobs in digital technologies while gradually cutting 4,000 jobs that would no longer be necessary because of automation.

By some estimates, half of all auto industry jobs in Germany are at risk. Battery-powered cars have far fewer parts than cars reliant on gasoline or diesel, endangering suppliers of valves, pistons and other parts in conventional engines. The most important part of an electric car, the battery cells, usually comes from Asia.

Mergers as big as Fiat Chrysler and Renault may prove too difficult to pull off but carmakers are already forming dozens of smaller alliances. This year, Ford and Volkswagen agreed to develop new commercial vans and pickups together to go to market by 2022 and cooperate on technologies like electric cars and autonomous driving. BMW and Jaguar said Wednesday they would cooperate to develop drive systems for electric cars.

These partnerships can be difficult to manage, as Renault’s recent experience with Nissan shows. The alliance of those carmakers survived for nearly two decades but is wobbly after the arrest in November of Carlos Ghosn, its chairman, on charges of financial wrongdoing. Mr. Ghosn denies the accusations.

Mr. Ghosn was keenly aware of the need for automakers to combine forces and, in part, his fervor undid his relationship with Nissan. In many ways John Elkann, the Fiat Chrysler chairman, and Jean-Dominique Senard, the chairman of Renault, were attempting to take his vision a big step further.

Large-scale alliances are essential “to have a path for success in this transformative era,” said Jim Press, former deputy chief executive of Chrysler.

“The companies aren’t going to do it alone.”

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2019-06-06 17:13:11Z

The Car Industry Is Under Siege and in Survival Mode - The New York Times

FRANKFURT — It’s a scary time to be in the car business.

The internal combustion engine is under attack from electric challengers. Car ownership is becoming optional in the age of Uber. Regulators around the world are fining companies that don’t do enough to cut CO2 emissions, even as buyers demand gas-guzzling S.U.V.s. Global auto sales are slipping for the first time in a decade, disrupted by President Trump’s escalating trade war.

With so much bearing down on them simultaneously, it’s little wonder that companies like Fiat Chrysler and Renault were considering joining forces to survive. Fiat Chrysler’s decision Wednesday night to withdraw its offer to merge with Renault, citing government demands in France, was another reminder that change is complicated for traditional carmakers.

The aborted proposal to create the world’s third-largest automaker was a response to the disruption threatening an industry that accounts for many of the world’s factory jobs and is crucial to the economic fortunes of the United States, Japan and Europe.

New technology has unraveled industries like entertainment, media, telecommunications and retailing, weakening the job security of millions of workers and helping to fuel populism. Carmakers, clearly, are next.

“It’s going to be the biggest change we’ve seen in the last 100 years and it’s going to be really expensive even for the biggest companies,” said Erik Gordon, a professor at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

The major auto companies will spend well over $400 billion during the next five years developing electric cars equipped with technology that automates much of the task of driving, according to AlixPartners, a consulting firm. They must retool factories, retrain workers, reorganize their supplier networks and rethink the whole idea of car ownership.

A Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg, Germany. Carmakers globally are among the last employers that operate vast, bustling plants.CreditSean Gallup/Getty Images

For the auto manufacturers, this upfront investment is a matter of survival. If they don’t adapt, they could become obsolete. Yet no one is even sure whether customers are really willing to pay for the technology and whether it will ever earn a profit.

Investors have already signaled who they think will come out ahead of this transformation. The electric carmaker Tesla, despite all its problems, is still worth more on the stock market than either Fiat Chrysler or Renault. Uber is worth much more than the two combined, even after reporting a $1 billion quarterly loss.

[Read more about how the Fiat Chrysler talks with Renault fell apart.]

The stakes for society from this industrial realignment are high. Car companies like Volkswagen, General Motors or Toyota are among the last employers that operate vast factories where thousands of workers pour in and out of the gates at shift changes.

Worldwide, eight million people work directly for auto manufacturers, and many times more work for companies that supply brakes, tires, sensors and other components.

Those jobs are threatened. Last year global car sales declined for the first time since 2009. Though small, the decrease may signal the onset of a global recession because the auto industry is such an important economic catalyst, analysts at Fitch Ratings said in a recent report.

The immediate cause of the dip in sales was President Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods last year, which hurt the Chinese economy and brought sales growth there, the world’s largest car market, to a standstill. American carmakers suffered too. Ford’s sales in China plunged 36 percent in the first three months of 2019, to 136,000 vehicles, because of the tariffs, the company said. But there are also ominous long-term trends at work.

European carmakers are well behind on achieving emissions goals, in part because European consumers have developed a taste for thirsty S.U.V.s.CreditCarlos Osorio/Associated Press

China increasingly rules the global auto market and determines its course. In recent years, China’s voracious appetite for vehicles has accounted for almost all of the growth in global sales. Chinese consumers bought 24 million cars last year, far more than any other nation. Americans were a distant second with 17 million cars. General Motors sells far more cars in Asia — 947,000 in the first three months of this year — than it does in the United States.

Auto sales in America and Europe are stagnant and the growth in potential drivers is not encouraging. The number of young Americans acquiring driver’s licenses has been falling since the 1980s, according to research by Michael Sivak, a former professor at the University of Michigan.

Increasingly car ownership is a luxury rather than a necessity. In urban areas, where more and more of the population lives, people can avoid parking costs and the expense of insurance by relying on ride services like Uber or Lyft or hourly rentals with services like Zipcar.

The wavering relationship between consumers and cars has been hastened by the emergence of climate change as a potent political issue, as well as worsening air quality in major cities. Transportation accounts for about one-fifth of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide, according to the World Bank. Policymakers, responding to public opinion, have been forcing auto companies to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Carmakers’ ability to push back has been weakened since emissions cheating scandals were uncovered at Volkswagen and other carmakers including Fiat Chrysler.

In the European Union, carmakers must achieve average fuel economy equivalent to about 57 miles per gallon by 2021 or pay substantial fines. But European carmakers are behind on achieving the goals, in part because European consumers, like people in the United States and Asia, have developed a taste for thirsty S.U.V.s. As a result, the car companies face penalties of 34 billion euros, or about $37 billion, the research firm JATO Dynamics estimates.

The potential fines were one of the reasons that Fiat Chrysler sought a merger with Renault, which already has a longtime (if lately troubled) alliance with the Japanese carmaker Nissan. The French company offers battery-powered cars like the subcompact Zoe that would have made it easier for Fiat to hit the emissions targets.

Renault’s battery-powered cars, like the subcompact Zoe, helped make the French automaker an attractive merger partner with Fiat.CreditSamuel Zeller for The New York Times

The Trump administration has been rolling back air quality regulations, but even in the United States carmakers are under pressure. California and nine other states are requiring manufacturers to meet quotas for zero-emission car sales.

Regulators and a growing segment of environmentally conscious car buyers are pushing the internal combustion engine toward obsolescence. China, Britain and France lead a list of countries aiming to phase out cars that burn gasoline or diesel by 2040. Norway is trying to convert entirely to electric vehicles by 2025.

Auto executives in Detroit, Stuttgart, Yokohama and other carmaking capitals foresaw these seismic shifts years ago and have been preparing.

BMW has been selling an electric car, the i3, since 2013. Nissan introduced the battery-powered Leaf in 2010. Traditional carmakers like G.M., Daimler, BMW and Volkswagen responded to the decline in car ownership with their own ride-sharing services, albeit with mixed success.

But despite their size, automakers like Fiat Chrysler, Ford or Volkswagen are at a disadvantage to newcomers like Uber or Dyson, the vacuum cleaner maker that is developing an electric car. The old-line carmakers still get almost all of their revenue from cars with internal combustion engines, and must maintain factory networks that quickly become a financial drain when not running at capacity.

China is emerging as a new competitor — and it is battling saturation even in its domestic market. China is absorbing only half the cars that Chinese plants churn out each year. Big producers like Guangzhou Auto had been preparing to enter the United States until President Trump imposed 25 percent tariffs on Chinese cars.

China is another looming precipice. Its domestic market is absorbing only half the cars that Chinese assembly plants churn out each year.CreditLam Yik Fei for The New York Times

So far Chinese automakers have made some inroads to European markets. Zhejiang Geely Holding Group has a foothold after buying the Swedish carmaker Volvo from Ford in 2010. Geely also owns the British sports car maker Lotus and the company that makes London taxi cabs, while its chairman, Li Shufu, owns about 10 percent of Daimler, the maker of Mercedes-Benz cars.

The shifting balance of power in the auto industry is already squeezing the lives of thousands of workers. General Motors, girding for a possible downturn, shut down its plant in Lordstown, Ohio, in March, one of four factories in the United States that it plans to mothball by the end of this year, eliminating more than 10,000 factory and white-collar jobs. Volkswagen said Wednesday it would create 2,000 new jobs in digital technologies while gradually cutting 4,000 jobs that would no longer be necessary because of automation.

By some estimates, half of all auto industry jobs in Germany are at risk. Battery-powered cars have far fewer parts than cars reliant on gasoline or diesel, endangering suppliers of valves, pistons and other parts in conventional engines. The most important part of an electric car, the battery cells, usually comes from Asia.

Mergers as big as Fiat Chrysler and Renault may prove too difficult to pull off but carmakers are already forming dozens of smaller alliances. This year, Ford and Volkswagen agreed to develop new commercial vans and pickups together to go to market by 2022 and cooperate on technologies like electric cars and autonomous driving. BMW and Jaguar said Wednesday they would cooperate to develop drive systems for electric cars.

These partnerships can be difficult to manage, as Renault’s recent experience with Nissan shows. The alliance of those carmakers survived for nearly two decades but is wobbly after the arrest in November of Carlos Ghosn, its chairman, on charges of financial wrongdoing. Mr. Ghosn denies the accusations.

Mr. Ghosn was keenly aware of the need for automakers to combine forces and, in part, his fervor undid his relationship with Nissan. In many ways John Elkann, the Fiat Chrysler chairman, and Jean-Dominique Senard, the chairman of Renault, were attempting to take his vision a big step further.

Large-scale alliances are essential “to have a path for success in this transformative era,” said Jim Press, former deputy chief executive of Chrysler.

“The companies aren’t going to do it alone.”

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2019-06-06 16:58:05Z

Carmakers Turn to Survival Tactics With Industry Under Siege - The New York Times

FRANKFURT — It’s a scary time to be in the car business.

The internal combustion engine is under attack from electric challengers. Car ownership is becoming optional in the age of Uber. Regulators around the world are fining companies that don’t do enough to cut CO2 emissions, even as buyers demand gas-guzzling S.U.V.s. Global auto sales are slipping for the first time in a decade, disrupted by President Trump’s escalating trade war.

With so much bearing down on them simultaneously, it’s little wonder that companies like Fiat Chrysler and Renault were considering joining forces to survive. Fiat Chrysler’s decision Wednesday night to withdraw its offer to merge with Renault, citing government demands in France, was another reminder that change is complicated for traditional carmakers.

The aborted proposal to create the world’s third-largest automaker was a response to the disruption threatening an industry that accounts for many of the world’s factory jobs and is crucial to the economic fortunes of the United States, Japan and Europe.

New technology has unraveled industries like entertainment, media, telecommunications and retailing, weakening the job security of millions of workers and helping to fuel populism. Carmakers, clearly, are next.

“It’s going to be the biggest change we’ve seen in the last 100 years and it’s going to be really expensive even for the biggest companies,” said Erik Gordon, a professor at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

The major auto companies will spend well over $400 billion during the next five years developing electric cars equipped with technology that automates much of the task of driving, according to AlixPartners, a consulting firm. They must retool factories, retrain workers, reorganize their supplier networks and rethink the whole idea of car ownership.

A Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg, Germany. Carmakers globally are among the last employers that operate vast, bustling plants.CreditSean Gallup/Getty Images

For the auto manufacturers, this upfront investment is a matter of survival. If they don’t adapt, they could become obsolete. Yet no one is even sure whether customers are really willing to pay for the technology and whether it will ever earn a profit.

Investors have already signaled who they think will come out ahead of this transformation. The electric carmaker Tesla, despite all its problems, is still worth more on the stock market than either Fiat Chrysler or Renault. Uber is worth much more than the two combined, even after reporting a $1 billion quarterly loss.

[Read more about how the Fiat Chrysler talks with Renault fell apart.]

The stakes for society from this industrial realignment are high. Car companies like Volkswagen, General Motors or Toyota are among the last employers that operate vast factories where thousands of workers pour in and out of the gates at shift changes.

Worldwide, eight million people work directly for auto manufacturers, and many times more work for companies that supply brakes, tires, sensors and other components.

Those jobs are threatened. Last year global car sales declined for the first time since 2009. Though small, the decrease may signal the onset of a global recession because the auto industry is such an important economic catalyst, analysts at Fitch Ratings said in a recent report.

The immediate cause of the dip in sales was President Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods last year, which hurt the Chinese economy and brought sales growth there, the world’s largest car market, to a standstill. American carmakers suffered too. Ford’s sales in China plunged 36 percent in the first three months of 2019, to 136,000 vehicles, because of the tariffs, the company said. But there are also ominous long-term trends at work.

European carmakers are well behind on achieving emissions goals, in part because European consumers have developed a taste for thirsty S.U.V.s.CreditCarlos Osorio/Associated Press

China increasingly rules the global auto market and determines its course. In recent years, China’s voracious appetite for vehicles has accounted for almost all of the growth in global sales. Chinese consumers bought 24 million cars last year, far more than any other nation. Americans were a distant second with 17 million cars. General Motors sells far more cars in Asia — 947,000 in the first three months of this year — than it does in the United States.

Auto sales in America and Europe are stagnant and the growth in potential drivers is not encouraging. The number of young Americans acquiring driver’s licenses has been falling since the 1980s, according to research by Michael Sivak, a former professor at the University of Michigan.

Increasingly car ownership is a luxury rather than a necessity. In urban areas, where more and more of the population lives, people can avoid parking costs and the expense of insurance by relying on ride services like Uber or Lyft or hourly rentals with services like Zipcar.

The wavering relationship between consumers and cars has been hastened by the emergence of climate change as a potent political issue, as well as worsening air quality in major cities. Transportation accounts for about one-fifth of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide, according to the World Bank. Policymakers, responding to public opinion, have been forcing auto companies to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Carmakers’ ability to push back has been weakened since emissions cheating scandals were uncovered at Volkswagen and other carmakers including Fiat Chrysler.

In the European Union, carmakers must achieve average fuel economy equivalent to about 57 miles per gallon by 2021 or pay substantial fines. But European carmakers are behind on achieving the goals, in part because European consumers, like people in the United States and Asia, have developed a taste for thirsty S.U.V.s. As a result, the car companies face penalties of 34 billion euros, or about $37 billion, the research firm JATO Dynamics estimates.

The potential fines were one of the reasons that Fiat Chrysler sought a merger with Renault, which already has a longtime (if lately troubled) alliance with the Japanese carmaker Nissan. The French company offers battery-powered cars like the subcompact Zoe that would have made it easier for Fiat to hit the emissions targets.

Renault’s battery-powered cars, like the subcompact Zoe, helped make the French automaker an attractive merger partner with Fiat.CreditSamuel Zeller for The New York Times

The Trump administration has been rolling back air quality regulations, but even in the United States carmakers are under pressure. California and nine other states are requiring manufacturers to meet quotas for zero-emission car sales.

Regulators and a growing segment of environmentally conscious car buyers are pushing the internal combustion engine toward obsolescence. China, Britain and France lead a list of countries aiming to phase out cars that burn gasoline or diesel by 2040. Norway is trying to convert entirely to electric vehicles by 2025.

Auto executives in Detroit, Stuttgart, Yokohama and other carmaking capitals foresaw these seismic shifts years ago and have been preparing.

BMW has been selling an electric car, the i3, since 2013. Nissan introduced the battery-powered Leaf in 2010. Traditional carmakers like G.M., Daimler, BMW and Volkswagen responded to the decline in car ownership with their own ride-sharing services, albeit with mixed success.

But despite their size, automakers like Fiat Chrysler, Ford or Volkswagen are at a disadvantage to newcomers like Uber or Dyson, the vacuum cleaner maker that is developing an electric car. The old-line carmakers still get almost all of their revenue from cars with internal combustion engines, and must maintain factory networks that quickly become a financial drain when not running at capacity.

China is emerging as a new competitor — and it is battling saturation even in its domestic market. China is absorbing only half the cars that Chinese plants churn out each year. Big producers like Guangzhou Auto had been preparing to enter the United States until President Trump imposed 25 percent tariffs on Chinese cars.

China is another looming precipice. Its domestic market is absorbing only half the cars that Chinese assembly plants churn out each year.CreditLam Yik Fei for The New York Times

So far Chinese automakers have made some inroads to European markets. Zhejiang Geely Holding Group has a foothold after buying the Swedish carmaker Volvo from Ford in 2010. Geely also owns the British sports car maker Lotus and the company that makes London taxi cabs, while its chairman, Li Shufu, owns about 10 percent of Daimler, the maker of Mercedes-Benz cars.

The shifting balance of power in the auto industry is already squeezing the lives of thousands of workers. General Motors, girding for a possible downturn, shut down its plant in Lordstown, Ohio, in March, one of four factories in the United States that it plans to mothball by the end of this year, eliminating more than 10,000 factory and white-collar jobs. Volkswagen said Wednesday it would create 2,000 new jobs in digital technologies while gradually cutting 4,000 jobs that would no longer be necessary because of automation.

By some estimates, half of all auto industry jobs in Germany are at risk. Battery-powered cars have far fewer parts than cars reliant on gasoline or diesel, endangering suppliers of valves, pistons and other parts in conventional engines. The most important part of an electric car, the battery cells, usually comes from Asia.

Mergers as big as Fiat Chrysler and Renault may prove too difficult to pull off but carmakers are already forming dozens of smaller alliances. This year, Ford and Volkswagen agreed to develop new commercial vans and pickups together to go to market by 2022 and cooperate on technologies like electric cars and autonomous driving. BMW and Jaguar said Wednesday they would cooperate to develop drive systems for electric cars.

These partnerships can be difficult to manage, as Renault’s recent experience with Nissan shows. The alliance of those carmakers survived for nearly two decades but is wobbly after the arrest in November of Carlos Ghosn, its chairman, on charges of financial wrongdoing. Mr. Ghosn denies the accusations.

Mr. Ghosn was keenly aware of the need for automakers to combine forces and, in part, his fervor undid his relationship with Nissan. In many ways John Elkann, the Fiat Chrysler chairman, and Jean-Dominique Senard, the chairman of Renault, were attempting to take his vision a big step further.

Large-scale alliances are essential “to have a path for success in this transformative era,” said Jim Press, former deputy chief executive of Chrysler.

“The companies aren’t going to do it alone.”

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2019-06-06 15:16:17Z

Google cloud boss Thomas Kurian makes his first big move — buys Looker for $2.6 billion - CNBC

Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud and formerly president of product development at Oracle, speaks at the Oracle OpenWorld conference in San Francisco on Oct. 3, 2017.

David Paul Morris | Bloomberg | Getty Images

Google is set to acquire Looker in what will be its new cloud chief's first major acquisition in his tenure. Google said it will buy Looker for $2.6 billion in cash.

Former Oracle executive Thomas Kurian joined Google Cloud as its new CEO in November, replacing former CEO Diane Greene. Kurian indicated at a conference in February he is looking to invest and expand the business significantly, saying, "You will see us accelerate the growth even faster than we have to date."

Google parent company Alphabet has already invested in Looker through its venture fund, Capital G. It will be Google's biggest acquisition since it bought smart home company Nest, another Alphabet-funded company, for $3.2 billion in 2014.

Google has been trying to gain market share from industry leader Amazon Web Services, which reported $7.7 billion in revenue for the last quarter. Google does not break out revenue for its cloud business, but has said it brings in more than $1 billion per quarter between its public cloud and cloud apps. Google had 7.6% of the cloud market share at the end of 2018 compared to 13.7% for Microsoft and 32% for Amazon, according to a report from Canalys.

The purchase of Looker will add a new analytics tool for Google Cloud's customers. Google said the technology will help its customers analyze their data in a consistent way across different sources and help Google provide industry-specific analytics for its targeted verticals. Google said in its press release that it already shared over 350 customers through an existing partnership, including Buzzfeed, Yahoo and Hearst.

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Watch: Google buys data analytics platform Looker in $2.6 billion deal

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2019-06-06 13:27:20Z

Euro hits session high as ECB strikes a dovish tone with revised forward guidance - CNBC

The euro jumped to a session high against the U.S. dollar on Thursday, after the European Central Bank (ECB) said it would delay its first post-crisis interest rate hike until at least the middle of next year.

In a move that was well-flagged, ECB President Mario Draghi also offered to pay banks if they borrow cash from the central bank and pass it on to households and firms.

Trade tensions and fears of a global recession have put markets in a state of flux this week, with market participants increasingly hopeful ECB President Mario Draghi could signal a late burst of monetary support before his term ends in October.

The central bank said interest rates on its marginal lending facility and deposit facility would remain unchanged at 0%, 0.25% and -0.40%, respectively. These have been at record lows following the euro sovereign debt crisis of 2011 in an effort to boost inflation and stimulate growth.

In a surprise revision to its forward guidance, the ECB said in a statement that the governing council "now expects the key ECB interest rates to remain at their present levels at least through the first half of 2020."

The euro climbed 0.4% to reach a session high of $1.1266 shortly after the announcement.

Investors are expected to closely monitor comments from Draghi's news conference at 1:30 p.m. London time. He is also set to unveil fresh staff economic forecasts that could show lower growth next year.

ECB policymakers met in Vilnius, Lithuania this week to review updated forecasts and plunging inflation expectations.

'Playing to the markets'

"It is more dovish than we probably expected ... But I wouldn't say the ECB is really getting ahead of the curve," Florian Hense, European economist at Berenberg, told CNBC's Julianna Tatelbaum on Thursday.

Hense said he believed the ECB's revised forward guidance showed the central bank was happy to follow in the footsteps of the Federal Reserve by "playing to the markets."

The ECB's interest rate announcement comes at a time when the mood has shifted among some of its global peers. Australia's central bank cut interest rates for the first time in three years on Tuesday, while the U.S. Federal Reserve has recently signaled an openness to easing if necessary.

Meanwhile, India's central bank cut its benchmark interest rate for third time this year on Thursday and expectations are building that the Bank of Japan could also add stimulus soon.

In April, Draghi said policymakers at the ECB would look at how monetary policy is working when setting the terms for its new cheap loan program for banks — the TLTROs (targeted longer-term refinancing operations).

Essentially, these loans should make the euro zone's banks lend more to the real economy. They have a negative deposit rate so they would pay lenders for taking the cash, meaning it's a strong incentive for the banks to use them.

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2019-06-06 12:28:57Z

Euro hits session high as ECB strikes a dovish tone with revised forward guidance - CNBC

Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank (ECB), speaks at a press conference following an International Monetary Fund Committee (IMFC) plenary session at the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Saturday, April 13, 2019.

Joshua Roberts | Bloomberg | Getty Images

The euro jumped to a session high against the U.S. dollar on Thursday, after the European Central Bank (ECB) said it would delay its first post-crisis interest rate hike until at least the middle of next year. 

In a move that was well-flagged, ECB President Mario Draghi also offered to pay banks if they borrow cash from the central bank and pass it on to households and firms. 

Trade tensions and fears of a global recession have put markets in a state of flux this week, with market participants increasingly hopeful ECB President Mario Draghi could signal a late burst of monetary support before his term ends in October.

The central bank said interest rates on its marginal lending facility and deposit facility would remain unchanged at 0%, 0.25% and -0.40%, respectively. These have been at record lows following the euro sovereign debt crisis of 2011 in an effort to boost inflation and stimulate growth.

In a surprise revision to its forward guidance, the ECB said in a statement that the governing council "now expects the key ECB interest rates to remain at their present levels at least through the first half of 2020."

The euro climbed 0.4% to reach a session high of $1.1266 shortly after the announcement. 

Investors are expected to closely monitor comments from Draghi's news conference at 1:30 p.m. London time. He is also set to unveil fresh staff economic forecasts that could show lower growth next year. 

ECB policymakers met in Vilnius, Lithuania this week to review updated forecasts and plunging inflation expectations.

It comes at a time when the mood has shifted among some of its global peers. Australia's central bank cut interest rates for the first time in three years on Tuesday, while the U.S. Federal Reserve has recently signaled an openness to easing if necessary.

Meanwhile, India's central bank cut its benchmark interest rate for third time this year on Thursday and expectations are building that the Bank of Japan could also add stimulus soon.

In April, Draghi said policymakers at the ECB would look at how monetary policy is working when setting the terms for its new cheap loan program for banks — the TLTROs (targeted longer-term refinancing operations).

Essentially, these loans should make the euro zone's banks lend more to the real economy. They have a negative deposit rate so they would pay lenders for taking the cash, meaning it's a strong incentive for the banks to use them.

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2019-06-06 11:46:13Z

Fiat Chrysler bails; ECB time; Stock market gains - CNN

The company said Wednesday that it "has become clear that the political conditions in France do not currently exist for such a combination to proceed successfully."
Earlier in the day, Renault said that the French government had requested its board of directors postpone the vote on the merger.
France, which owns 15% of Renault and is the company's largest shareholder, previously indicated that it would support a merger if the companies protect French jobs and auto plants.
Shares in Renault plunged nearly 7% in Paris on Thursday after the proposal was withdrawn. Fiat Chrysler stock dropped 1.6% in Milan.
2. ECB time: The European Central Bank meets Thursday as global trade tensions escalate and the race to find a replacement for president Mario Draghi heats up.
Analysts expect the central bank to outline details on additional cheap loans for banks while maintaining historically low interest rates.
Almost certain to come up: whether Draghi and the ECB would be open to cutting interest rates lower still.
"Draghi may have to adopt a dovish tone again, and, at least, not rule out rate cuts if asked about them," Bank of America Merrill Lynch analysts said recently in a research note.
The US Federal Reserve suggested it could cut rates earlier this week, driving markets higher. Fed Chair Jerome Powell said that he's closely monitoring developments on trade, and that the bank will "act as appropriate to sustain the expansion."
Meanwhile, India's central bank on Thursday gave the country its third consecutive interest rate cut as it tries to get a slumping economy back on track.
3. Market gains: US stock futures point to another day of gains as investors stay hopeful that the Federal Reserve could cut interest rates.
The Dow is poised to rise 70 points, or 0.3%. The Nasdaq and S&P 500 are set for a similar jump.
European markets opened higher after a mixed session for stocks in Asia. Britain's FTSE 100 rose 0.6%, while Germany's DAX index added 0.5%.
In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng rose 0.2%, while Japan's Nikkei closed flat. The Shanghai Composite, however, dropped 1.2%.
The Dow closed up 0.8% on Wednesday, logging its third consecutive day of gains. The S&P 500 was up 0.8%, and the Nasdaq added 0.6%.
4. Coming this week:
Thursday — ECB and Reserve Bank of India rate decisions; Europe's GDP growth estimate; Beyond Meat earnings
Friday — US jobs report

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2019-06-06 11:17:00Z