Sabtu, 01 Juni 2019

Opinion | Bigger Isn't Better for T-Mobile - The New York Times

For years, T-Mobile’s chief executive, John Legere, has gleefully bad-mouthed his much larger mobile phone competitors, Verizon Wireless and AT&T, for their high prices and profit margins, and their low-quality service. Decked out in magenta sneakers and T-shirts, sporting long hair like an aging rocker, Mr. Legere promoted T-Mobile and himself to his 6.2 million Twitter followers as renegades — telephonic cool kids.

T-Mobile wooed customers by offering service plans with no long-term commitments, and by paying to free those customers from their old service plans. Rolling your unused data and minutes into the next month? T-Mobile did that, and AT&T and Verizon had no choice but to follow. More recently, T-Mobile vowed to match any discounts offered by competitors.

The fierce competition, and the march of technology, has rapidly reduced the cost of mobile phone service. Since 2009, the average cost of mobile service has fallen by roughly 28 percent, according to the Labor Department’s calculations. In 2017, at the peak of the mobile phone price wars, the Federal Reserve said prices were falling fast enough to meaningfully reduce inflation across the entire American economy.

That’s the beauty of competition. It’s been good for T-Mobile, too. Over the past five years, the company has added more subscribers than its larger rivals.

Now T-Mobile, the nation’s third-largest wireless company, wants to merge with Sprint, the No. 4 wireless carrier in the United States. The combined company would be in the same weight class as the two largest, AT&T and Verizon, with the three companies each controlling roughly a third of the market. Mr. Legere, who scorned the big guys, now wants to be one of them.

The Justice Department’s antitrust division staff has recommended that the federal government go to court to block the merger. That is good advice.

The proposed merger would harm American consumers. It would reduce the choice of service plans, and, over time, it is likely to result in higher prices and less innovation. It would also harm workers in the mobile phone industry, reducing competition for their labor. And it would increase the political power of the combined corporation.

Mobile phone companies are locked in a dogfight for market share. Wherever you look — on television, online, on billboards and stadium signs — the companies are hammering away at one another, making claims about pricing, coverage, network quality and customer service. This competition is miserable for the companies. Their executives and shareholders are frustrated; they wish they were making more money. But the pain of competition delivers benefits for consumers and the economy. Market forces are at work, and they are delivering lower prices and better service.

The government should seek to prolong the industry’s misery.

The four largest mobile phone companies control the vast majority of the market. Thinning the ranks of major competitors from four to three would reduce the competitive pressure to keep cutting prices. T-Mobile has pledged that if the merger is approved, it will charge the same or lower prices for the next three years. But that is tantamount to a confession that prices are headed up eventually.

The price competition among mobile carriers has been driven by a divide between the two smaller carriers and the two larger carriers. The larger companies have higher profit margins because they can spread the cost of a national network across a larger customer base, allowing them to pocket a larger portion of each customer’s monthly payment. T-Mobile and Sprint are under pressure from investors to match those profit margins, and the only way to do that is to get bigger. But if the industry is reduced to three companies of roughly equal size, they will all be able to post similar profit margins, and the pressure to compete for market share will dissipate. What results from this could well resemble the airline industry, where four fat companies dominate the domestic market, largely avoiding the pain of price competition or the pressure to improve service.

There is little realistic prospect that the national mobile phone companies would face new competition. There are small mobile companies, including some with wealthy backers like Comcast, but a new national competitor would need to either build a network of phone towers at vast expense or rent the use of someone else’s infrastructure, a model that has worked in Europe but would require a new approach to regulation in the United States.

T-Mobile argues that the deal will make it a more formidable competitor, able to increase its investment in technology — particularly the costly build-out of a next-generation “5G” network that promises to allow evermore data to move through the ether at high speed.

But T-Mobile can make those investments on its own. Indeed, it may be more likely to do so. There is growing evidence that corporate concentration reduces investment and innovation, by reducing the incentive to stay ahead of competitors. A 2016 study that surveyed a decade of manufacturing mergers found no sign of productivity gains. The International Monetary Fund estimated in April that the increase in corporate concentration since 2000 contributed to a decline in investment that reduced economic output by about 1 percent in the average advanced economy. It warned that continued concentration could increase the impact.

Corporate mergers also are holding down wages. Workers lose leverage when the number of potential employers is reduced. The effect may be greatest for those with specialized skills, but an analysis by the liberal Economic Policy Institute estimated that even workers in mobile phone stores could see a 1 percent to 3 percent decline in their wages.

A key reason for the creation of antitrust laws was the desire to limit the political power of corporations. Mobile phone companies already spend large sums to shape federal and state regulation. AT&T, for example, donated $200,000 last year to the Committee to Protect California Jobs, which campaigned against a California ballot initiative that would have allowed consumers to prevent technology companies from selling some of their personal information. It is not in the public interest to let T-Mobile and Sprint join forces, adding another Goliath to the ranks of tech companies.

The federal government has adopted a permissive attitude toward corporate mergers. Ajit Pai, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, which also must approve the merger, publicly blessed the deal last month.

As the Justice Department considers its own decision, T-Mobile has spent at least $195,000 at Mr. Trump’s Washington hotel, according to The Washington Post. On the day after the deal was announced last April, Mr. Legere, wearing a T-Mobile sweatshirt, checked into the hotel with eight executives. He has returned repeatedly.

The spending spree is an unseemly but helpful reminder of the ways that companies with deep pockets can seek to influence the Trump administration. The Justice Department needs to demonstrate that it can’t be bought. It needs to block this merger.

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2019-06-01 18:33:45Z

Justice Department Is Reportedly Looking Into an Antitrust Investigation Into Google - Gizmodo

Photo: AP

The Justice Department may be preparing to launch an antitrust investigation into Google, according to reports.

The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that the department has been in talks with the Federal Trade Commission’s antitrust task force about launching a probe into the tech giant’s search and business operations. Following discussions over which should proceed with a new antitrust investigation—the FTC previously investigated Google but closed the case in 2013—the Journal said the two have agreed to the Justice Department leading any new probe into the company.


Separately, the New York Times also reported on the investigation, though the paper’s report hedged slightly by stating that the Justice Department was “exploring” a probe rather than preparing one. Citing sources familiar with the matter, the Times reported that the trade commission has recently directed complaints about the company to the Justice Department. According to the Journal, officials with the department have already spoken with some of these parties.

A spokesperson for Google did not immediately return a request for comment about the report. Neither the Justice Department nor the FTC returned comment requests.

According to the Times, the potential probe comes after the FTC’s antitrust task force began looking into Google’s ad and search practices. The task force, announced in February, was established to investigate possible anticompetitive conduct among tech companies. FTC Chairman Joe Simons said in a statement at the time that “it makes sense for us to closely examine technology markets to ensure consumers benefit from free and fair competition.”


“Our ongoing Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century are a crucial step to deepen our understanding of these markets and potential competitive issues. The Technology Task Force is the next step in that effort,” he added.

The reported probe would come as tech monopolies face increasingly louder condemnation from political critics who claim that they wield far too much power and engage in anticompetitive tactics by either gobbling up competitors or crushing their business. (The company has faced billions in fines from European regulators over antitrust abuses.) Chief among these critics in the U.S. is Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democratic presidential candidate who has called for breaking up Facebook, Google, and Amazon—tech giants she says have “too much power over our economy, our society, and our democracy.”

“I want a government that makes sure everybody — even the biggest and most powerful companies in America — plays by the rules. And I want to make sure that the next generation of great American tech companies can flourish,” she said in March. “To do that, we need to stop this generation of big tech companies from throwing around their political power to shape the rules in their favor and throwing around their economic power to snuff out or buy up every potential competitor.”


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2019-06-01 17:50:00Z

China Targets FedEx in ‘Warning’ to U.S. - Bloomberg

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. China Targets FedEx in ‘Warning’ to U.S.  Bloomberg
  2. China Launches Investigation Into FedEx, Xinhua Reports  Yahoo Finance
  3. China to investigate whether FedEx harmed client interests: Xinhua  Reuters
  4. View full coverage on Google News

2019-06-01 15:57:58Z

China Targets FedEx in ‘Warning’ to U.S. - Bloomberg

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

China Targets FedEx in ‘Warning’ to U.S.  Bloomberg

China targeted FedEx Corp. in its escalating trade war with the U.S., giving a hint of which foreign companies it may blacklist as “unreliable.” With Chinese officials due to announce their position on trade talks with the U.S. on Sunday, the investigation into FedEx’s “wrongful delivery of packages” was framed as a warning by Beijing after the Trump administration imposed a ban on business with telecom giant Huawei Technologies Co. The latest salvo signals there’s no detente in sight in the struggle between the world’s two biggest economies at a time when trade talks have broken down. Chin...

2019-06-01 15:32:33Z

China Targets FedEx in ‘Warning’ to U.S. - Bloomberg

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. China Targets FedEx in ‘Warning’ to U.S.  Bloomberg
  2. China Launches Investigation Into FedEx, Xinhua Reports  Yahoo Finance
  3. China to investigate whether FedEx harmed client interests: Xinhua  Reuters
  4. View full coverage on Google News

2019-06-01 14:27:59Z

China Targets FedEx in ‘Warning’ to U.S. - Bloomberg

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

China Targets FedEx in ‘Warning’ to U.S.  Bloomberg

China targeted FedEx Corp. in its escalating trade war with the U.S., giving a hint of which foreign companies it may blacklist as “unreliable.” With Chinese officials due to announce their position on trade talks with the U.S. on Sunday, the investigation into FedEx’s “wrongful delivery of packages” was framed as a warning by Beijing after the Trump administration imposed a ban on business with telecom giant Huawei Technologies Co. The latest salvo signals there’s no detente in sight in the struggle between the world’s two biggest economies at a time when trade talks have broken down. Chin...

2019-06-01 14:11:14Z

Trump’s stunning decision to escalate trade wars with China and Mexico signals a turning point for U.S. policy - The Washington Post

President Trump’s plan to slap new tariffs on Mexican imports, weeks after escalating his trade war with China, leaves the United States fighting a multi-front campaign that threatens more instability for manufacturers, consumers and the global economy.

The president’s bombshell announcement that he would impose 5 percent tariffs on Mexican imports, with the possibility of raising them to 25 percent if Mexico doesn’t stop migrants from crossing into the United States, left some economists fearing there were few limits to Trump’s appetite for trade conflict.

“In our view, if the U.S. is willing to impose tariff and non-tariff barriers on China and Mexico, then the bar for tariffs on other important U.S. trading partners, including Europe, may be lower than we previously thought,” Barclays economists said in a research note. “We think trade tensions could escalate further before they de-escalate,” Barclays added.

Adam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, called Trump’s move against Mexico a turning point for financial markets and the U.S. economy.

In global markets Friday, investors spooked by new tariff threats sought safety in German government bonds and the Euro rather than their customary dollar-denominated havens. This “seems to me an indicator that the concerns about the U.S. are rising,” Posen said.

The president’s latest move rocked business leaders who were already scrambling to reshape supply chains to avoid fallout from the U.S. confrontation with China. The added uncertainty may paralyze executives who can’t be sure their next supply chain location will be any safer than their last.

“A lot of companies feeling pressure to get out of China are looking at Mexico if they want to serve the US market, Vietnam if they’re more focused on Asia,” said William Reinsch, a former Commerce Department trade official. “Trump’s action yesterday scrambles all those plans.”

In one example of a company caught in the crossfire, GoPro of San Mateo, Calif., last month announced it would move manufacturing of some of its cameras from China to Mexico, so that it could stop paying tariffs to import them to the United States -- tariffs resulting from the U.S. trade war with China. Weeks later, GoPro now faces new tariffs to import those goods from Mexico. The company declined to comment Friday.

As U.S. companies race to find new tariff-free places to manufacture, so far few have reported returning production to the United States, despite the president’s stated aim of using trade policy to help bring jobs back home. Many are still seeking alternative locations overseas, where labor is cheaper.

Trump said he would impose the new tariffs because the Mexican government wasn’t doing enough to stem the flow of migrants, many of whom travel through Mexico from Central America. Some White House officials who support Trump’s approach believe the threat of tariffs is the only way to get the attention of Mexican leaders.

The Mexican government tried to defuse the tension Friday, saying the two sides would meet in Washington on Wednesday for high-level talks.

If no solution is found, Mexico is certain to impose retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods, with likely targets including U.S. pork, beef, wheat and dairy products, said Former Mexican diplomat Jorge Guajardo.

Some prominent Republicans, including Senate Finance Chairman Charles E. Grassley , raised concerns that the new tariffs could threaten a trade agreement the Trump administration clinched only months ago with Mexico and Canada, to replace the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement.

Others said the about-face treatment of Mexico would damage Trump’s ability to negotiate trade deals it is pursuing with other partners, including China and Europe.

“You can’t negotiate a trade agreement with someone and then turn around and whack them,” said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a Republican economist and former Congressional Budget Office director.

In late March, Trump threatened to shut the entire southern border to curb illegal immigration, but backed down a week later after an outcry. That has left some wondering how seriously they should take the latest tariff threat.

If Trump follows through with new tariffs on Mexico, it would hurt U.S. economic growth and increase the possibility of the Federal Reserve reversing course and cutting interest rates this year, economists said.

“The drag to the US economy could be meaningful, especially if the tariffs reach 25%,” the upper limit that Trump has set, Bank of America Merrill Lynch economists wrote Friday. Even if the tariff remains at 5 percent, the effective cost could be higher because many parts cross the border several times as products are assembled, and the tariff must be paid upon each crossing into the United States.

U.S. automakers will be among the principal casualties. Last year, the United States imported roughly $350 billion in merchandise from Mexico, including about $85 billion in vehicles and parts, according to the International Trade Administration.

A full 25 percent tax “would cripple the industry and cause major uncertainty,” according to Deutsche Bank Securities.

“The auto sector – and the 10 million jobs it supports – relies upon the North American supply chain and cross border commerce to remain globally competitive,” said Dave Schwietert, interim president of the Auto Alliance, an industry group. “This is especially true with auto parts which can cross the U.S. border multiple times before final assembly.”

“Widely applied tariffs on goods from Mexico will raise the price of motor vehicle parts, cars, trucks, and commercial vehicles – and consumer goods in general -- for American consumers,” the industry group said. “The potential ripple effects of the proposed Mexican tariffs on the U.S. North American and global trade efforts could be devastating.”

Consumers could pay up to $1,300 more per vehicle if the tariffs are implemented, according to Torsten Slok, chief economist for Deutsche Bank Securities.

Retailers, technology companies and textile manufacturers also will be hurt. U.S. mills now ship yarn and fabric to Mexico, where it is turned into apparel and exported back to American retailers. Last year, the U.S. textile industry exported $4.7 billion in yarn and fabrics to Mexico, its largest single market.

“Adding tariffs to Mexican apparel imports, which largely contain U.S. textile inputs, would significantly disrupt this industry and jeopardize jobs on both sides of the border,” said Kim Glas, president of the National Council of Textile Organizations.

The new dispute with Mexico came as the U.S.-China trade conflict continued to deepen.

China on Friday announced it would establish a blacklist of “unreliable” foreign companies and organizations, effectively forcing companies around the world to choose whether they would side with Beijing or Washington.

The new “unreliable entities list” would punish organizations and individuals that harm the interests of Chinese companies, Chinese state media reported, without detailing which companies will be named in the list or what the punishment will entail.

Chinese reports suggested the Commerce Ministry will target foreign companies and groups that abandoned Chinese telecom giant Huawei after the Trump administration added Huawei to a trade blacklist this month, which prohibited the sale of U.S. technology to the Chinese company.

At a time when Western corporations have cut back executive travel to China after authorities detained two Canadians on national security grounds in December, the new blacklist sent another shock wave through the business community.

“I think foreign and especially U.S. firms now have to worry that China is creating a new ‘legal pretext’ to at least impose exit bans on foreign individuals who make this new list, if not worse,” said Bill Bishop, the editor of the Sinocism newsletter, referring to the Chinese practice of not allowing designated foreigners to leave China.

Aside from the new blacklist, China in recently days also escalated threats to stop selling the U.S. so-called rare earths — seventeen elements with exotic names like cerium, yttrium and lanthanum that are found in magnets, alloys and fuel cells and are used to make advanced missiles, smartphones and jet engines.

Analysts said it could take years for the United States to ramp up rare earths production, after its domestic industry practically disappeared in the 1990s. Roughly 80 percent of U.S. imports of the material come from China, according to the United States Geological Survey.

The People’s Daily, the Communist Party’s official mouthpiece, carried a stark warning for the United States this week in an editorial about rare earths: “Don’t say we didn’t warn you.”

That commentary surprised China experts because the People’s Daily, which often signals official positions with subtly codified language, uses that phrase sparingly: It famously appeared before China launched border attacks against India in 1962 and Vietnam in 1979.

Damian Paletta contributed to this story. Shih reported from Beijing.

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2019-06-01 12:00:00Z